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大学努力不断提高其可持续发展的努力,以创造一个可持续的, efficient, and healthy atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff. 这些举措导致了绿色建筑标准的认证, urban forest management, and more. 关于联合山可持续发展认证的更多信息可以在下面找到.


  1. Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS)

    联合山正在评估其目前的可持续性水平,是一个试点校园 AASHE STARS program.

    STARS is a voluntary, 衡量高校可持续发展相对进展的自我报告框架. STARS is designed to:

    • 为促进高等教育各部门的可持续发展提供指导, from governance and operations to academics and community engagement.
    • 通过建立衡量高等教育可持续性的共同标准,在不同时期和不同机构之间进行有意义的比较.
    • Create incentives for continual improvement toward sustainability.
    • 促进有关高等教育可持续发展实践和绩效的信息共享.
    • Build a stronger, 更多元化的校园可持续发展社区,促进对可持续发展的全面理解,包括其社会, economic and environmental dimensions.
  2. Second Nature

    2008年,威尼斯人app下载的校长是首批签署美国学院和大学校长气候承诺的500名学院和大学校长之一. acaccc是一项备受瞩目的努力,旨在解决全球气候破坏问题,由高校网络承担,这些高校已作出制度性承诺,消除特定校园运营的温室气体净排放, 促进高等教育的研究和教育努力,使社会能够重新稳定地球气候.

    Mount Union has accomplished the following steps of the commitment: 

    • Created a Sustanability Management Advisory Committee 
    • Initiated a sustainable purchasing plan
    • Taken specific steps to reduce waste
    • Conducted a greenhouse gas inventory
    • 制定气候行动计划,使校园达到气候中立的水平. 

    In 2016, 梅里曼校长签署了以下气候领导声明,并再次承诺威尼斯人app下载遵守第二自然的碳排放承诺.


    We, 签名的各大学校长和校长, believe firmly in the power, potential, 以及高等教育在塑造可持续社会中的关键作用. 我们不仅对全球气候变化的速度和强度日益加快以及可能产生前所未有的有害影响深表关切, but we also understand that technology, infrastructure, global interconnectedness, and our greatest asset – engaged, committed, 聪明的学生——使我们能够探索大胆和创新的解决方案,并在气候行动和可持续解决方案方面发挥领导作用.

    我们已经开始在我们的社区中体验到气候变化的影响,我们知道这些影响预计会变得更加严重和具有破坏性. 我们认识到,缓解和适应是减少发生无法控制的变化可能性的互补战略, managing the risks, 利用气候变化带来的新机遇.

    我们认为,学院和大学必须通过提供知识,在社区和整个社会发挥领导作用, research, practice, and informed graduates to create a positive and sustainable future. Along with other aspects of sustainability, 通过减少温室气体排放和将韧性纳入课程来应对气候挑战的校园, research, 校园运营将更好地为学生服务,满足他们的社会使命,帮助创造一个至关重要的社会, ethical, and prosperous civil society.

    我们进一步认为,在应对气候变化方面发挥领导作用将降低我们的长期能源成本和气候干扰的成本, increase our quality of life, attract excellent students and faculty, and build the support of alumni and local communities.

    We have resolved to take action in the Carbon Commitment. 我们相信,碳中和和弹性是所有机构行动的高度优先领域,我们的目标是在这些努力中引领国家. 我们敦促其他国家与我们一道,将社会转变为一个可持续的社会, healthy, and more prosperous future.


    碳承诺的重点是减少温室气体排放,尽快实现碳中和.  威尼斯人app下载致力于在2046年实现碳中和, which the bicentennial year of our institutions founding. 

  3. LEED

    高德纳欢迎中心是LEED银奖建筑-联盟城市中的第一座.  LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)是一种绿色建筑评级体系.  The green building attributes include a geothermal heat pump, zero use of CFC refrigerants in the HVAC system, automatic lighting controls, large use of materials with significant recycled content, higher glazing in windows, low flow fixtures, and high efficiency mechanical and electrical system. UMU has committed to building all new structures to LEED standards.

  4. Tree Campus

    Tree Campus USA 该项目对有效管理校园树木的学院和大学校园进行了表彰, 发展与校园外社区的联系,促进健康, 并努力利用以校园为中心的服务学习机会吸引学生群体, and community, forestry efforts.

    美国各地的学院和大学可以通过满足五个标准来促进健康的树木和学生的参与,从而被认可为“美国树木校园”. The five standards are: Campus Tree Advisory Committee, Campus Tree Care Plan, Campus Tree Program with Dedicated Annual Expenditures, Arbor Day Observance, and Service Learning Projects.  The University of Mount Union has been a Tree Campus USA since 2010. The UMU campus boasts well over 1,300 trees.